
Core Commands

# List folders and files
dir C:\Users
dir /a
dir /a C:\Users

# Change directory
E: | C:
cd C:\Users
cd ..
cd Desktop

# Create directory
mkdir test

# Remove directory
rmdir test
rmdir /s non-empty-test

# Move files or folders
move file1.txt folder1
move a.txt b.txt
move folder1 folder2

# Print text
echo "Hello World"
echo "test" > file1.txt

# View content of a file
type file1.txt

# Delete file
del file1.txt

# Copy file
copy a.txt b.txt
copy a.txt folder1

# Rename file
ren a.txt newname.txt

# Change attributes of files or folders
attrib +h a.txt
attrib -h a.txt
attrib +h folder
dir /a:h

# List running processes

# Kill running process
taskkill /f /pid 1547

# Display network information
ipconfig /all

# Display active connections
netstat /ano

# Test network connectivity

# Show path to destination

# Create links
mklink softlink originalfile
mklink /H hardlink originalfile
mklink /D link dir # Soft link only

File System

  • C:\ Top level point that hold all the system files.

  • C:\Windows\ Contains operating system files.

  • C:\Program Files\ Contains applications files.

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\ Contains 32bit applications on 64bit operating system.

  • C:\Users\ Contains users home directories.

  • C:\ProgramData\ Contains configuration files of applications (Hidden).

File Permissions

  • Windows has 5 main permission types:

    • Full Control

    • Modify

    • Read & execute

    • Read

    • Write

  • Each user and group on the system has its own permissions:

    • User1: Read

    • User2: Read + Write

    • Group1: Full Control

  • Inherited permissions, child inherit parent permissions (This is what happens by default in windows).

  • Explicit permissions, permission applied specially to a file.

  • Explicit Deny > Explicit Allow > Inherited Deny > Inherited Allow.

Users & Groups

# Create user
net user testuser * /add

# Delete user
net user testuser /delete

# Disable/Enable user account
net user testuser /active:no
net user testuser /active:yes

# Display password policy
net accounts

# Most used groups
Administrators: Full control over system.
Network Operators: Allow to modify network settings (IP, DNS).
Users: Allow access to needed functionality by most users.

# Display groups
net localgroup 

# List group members
net localgroup administrators 

# Create group
net localgroup testgroup /add

# Add user to group
net localgroup testgroup testuser /add

# Delete user from group
net localgroup testgroup testuser /del 

# Delete group
net localgroup testgroup /del


UAC gives you administrator access for one command, you trigger it by clicking right click on any file then choose run as administrator.


# runas lets you run command as another user like in linux (su testuser -c whoami)
runas /user:testuser whoami 
runas /user:testuser "ping"


  • Credentials (usernames & passwords) are stored in the SAM file.

  • SAM file location: C:\Windows\System32\config\SAM.

  • Mostly stores the users' passwords in the NTLM hash.

# Example

Security Policy

  • Audit policy: Control logs through event viewer.

  • User rights: Control permissions on the OS (change time, backup, shutdown).

  • Security options: Rename administrator account, Account policy Password length, complexity, expiration period. Account lockout threshold, duration.


Registry stores configuration settings and there are 5 types of registry hives:

  • HKEY_Classes_Root (HKCR): settings for applications

  • HKEY_Current_User (HKCU): settings for the current user

  • HKEY_Local_Machine (HKLM): local machine settings

  • HKEY_USERS (HKU): Settings for every user

  • HKEY_Current_Config (HKCC): settings for hardware

# Print help
reg /?

# Print help on specific function
reg query /?

# Query specific registry hives
reg query hkcu
reg query hklm
reg query hkcu\software

# Print all startup apps recursively
reg query hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run /s

# Add startup key called EvilTest which started the Calculator app at boot time
reg add hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run /v "EvilTest" /d "calc.exe"

# Delete EvilTest key
reg delete hklm\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run /v "EvilTest"

Windows Sharing (SMB)

# Print help
net /?

# List all devices that is enable sharing on the network
net view

# list all shared resources on specific system
net view \\computer-name

# mapping resource to drive letter
net use z: \\computer-name\resource

# show mapping resources
net use

# delete mapping resource
net use z: /delete


# Display active services
sc query

# Display info about spooler service
sc query spooler

# Display inactive services
sc query state=inactive

# Display all services
sc query state=all

# Start/Stop the spooler service
sc start spooler
sc stop spooler

# Enable/Disable spooler service at boot time
sc config spooler start=disabled
sc config spooler start=auto


# List all tasks

# Find task by it’s name or id
tasklist /fi "imagename eq calc*"
tasklist /pid 4054

# Force kill process
taskkill /f /pid 4054

# List all tasks
wmic process list brief

# Create calculator process
wmic process call create calc.exe

# Search for calculator process
wmic process where (name = "calculator.exe") list brief
wmic process where (name like "calc%") list brief

# Delete calculator process
wmic process where (name = "calculator.exe") delete

Task Scheduling

# Display all scheduled tasks

# Create new task to run every minute
schtasks /create /sc minute /mo 1 /tn eviloo /tr calc.exe

# Display information about specific scheduled task
schtasks /query /tn eviloo

# Delete scheduled task
schtasks /delete /tn eviloo

Last updated